Peyronies Disease Surgery

It May Ruin You Sex Life,

...more than 65% of men are dissatisfied
with the outcomes of peyronies disease surgery.
reference:  US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

“....over 65% of patients were unhappy
with the outcomes of the Peyronie's
at 5-year follow-up.

Penile length loss and worsening of erectile dysfunction
was the most common reason for dissatisfaction.”

reference: Dr. Nelson Bennett,
“Five-year follow-up of Peyronie's graft surgery: outcomes and patient satisfaction.”

I know, it sounds like the quick and easy fix to a very unpleasant and annoying condition.

HOWEVER: Most men are unhappy with the outcome.

And, Peyronie's disease surgery can ruin your sex life.


  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Possible inability to attain or maintain a decently hard erection
  • Inability to orgasm
  • Reduced sensation
  • Infection
  • Urinary problems
  • A shorter penis

No One Told You About All Of That
 Did They?

Of course, when you were reading about peyronies disease surgery, you didn’t read about all of that, did you?

OK, we’re going to forget about all the fancy names and technical terminology for the procedures here.

What we’re going to do is concentrate on what you can really look forward to with a peyronies disease surgery.

All That Matters
Real Results

No one really cares about how fancy any technique is when it comes to fixing a bent penis with peyronies disease surgery.

All we want to know is: “What are the results and possible risks we can expect with a peyronies disease surgery?.”

Am I right?

When I research any topic all I’m really interested in is real world results.

What really can happen.

NOT what is supposed to happen.

NOT what is “promised”.

But, what the results have actually been.

That is all that matters.

Let’s Look At
The Reported Results

Here are the real world results from established authorities, and, also from men who have actually had peyronies disease surgery:


“Complications of Peyronies Disease might include:

 -  Inability to have sexual intercourse
 -  Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction)
 -  Anxiety or stress about sexual abilities or the appearance of your penis
 -  Stresses on the relationship with your sexual partner
 -  Difficulty fathering a child, because intercourse is difficult or impossible”

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health - On Peyronies Disease Surgery

“The overall satisfaction on a 5-point scale was 2.6 with more than 65% of patients dissatisfied with the outcomes...... The recurrence of penile curvature, penile length loss, and the new-onset of ED (erectile dysfunction) are not uncommon sequelae and are associated with a significant patient dissatisfaction rate when a 5-year follow-up is achieved.”


Asian Journal of Andrology (diseases specific to men) - On Peyronies Disease Surgery

"....The complications associated with these operations include incomplete straightening, recurrent curvature, shaft shortening, diminished penile sexual sensation and ED."


From: Association of Peyronies Disease Advocates BLOG - Real Life Accounts with Peyronies Disease Surgery


“I had a nesbit procedure 3 months ago for Congenital Penile Curvature (similar to Peyronie’s but its a inherent condition not an aquired one). I started with about a 70 degree curve and a bout a 90 degree twist, which ends up looking like about a 90 degree curve.
The surgery was nearly a complete failure. The curvature is now about a 60 degree, and the twist hasn’t changed at all so it’s still about 90 degrees. Plus it’s about an inch shorter, and there was an extremely poor circumcision. Like the scar line looks kind of like charlie brown’s t-shirt, the entire thing is about half an inch from the head, and one side dips down about an inch. Plus to add insult to injury the skin was attached with about a quarter inch twist to the left so it pulls the penis even farther to the left (sorry that’s the direction of the curve I forgot to mention that) and causes it to be bent while flaccid (a problem that I didn’t have before).
So all in all a complete failure. I’m not trying to be all manic depressive here, but sometimes that’s hard to resist. But really that’s not the point of this. All I’m trying to point out is that this can happen. I have heard of some very successful surgeries with people being very happy. But I have also heard of a lot of horror stories like my own. So if you have a cut happy doctor, it may not be your best choice.   ~  IBO”


“Hi my name is John and I live in the UK, I had surgery in June 04 (nesbitts procedure) my penis was bent upwards almost 90%. The op seemed to go well and there was not much loss of length although the pain was quite bad and the morning erections were excruciating I was prescribed drugs to relax me to try and prevent the erections, the drugs did help, but I was permanently stoned for six weeks and could not work . Six weeks after the op I went back to see the urologist and he was very pleased with the result and discharged me.I managed to have intercourse again with my lovely wife Sandra and things started to improve in our relationship. Then in october of this year I noticed a difference and my penis was starting to bend again and the plaque seemed to move in the shaft. I contacted the doctor and he has made an appointment for me to see the surgeon in Jan 05. I am totally numb ,very sad and angry, I feel as though this is the end , my doctor said the surgeon would’nt be able to do anything. I am withdrawing from my wife and can’t bear to talk to her about it. I am sorry if I have gone on a bit but I had to get it out. I f any of you are considering surgery think seriously about it before you make a decision.  -  John from UK”

reference: peyronies disease surgery blog -

ad infinitum....

Take A Look For Yourself

peyronies disease surgery 1

There are 2 different approaches to straightening a bent penis with peyronies disease surgery.

peyronies disease surgery 2

1)  You shorten the longer side. This will give you a smaller penis.

2)  You add (graft) some tissue to the shorter side or use some other material to add length there.

Either way, it’s a pretty ugly, risky, and UNNECESSARY procedure 99.99% of the time.

peyronies disease surgery 3

99% Of The Time
Peyronies Disease Surgery Is Unnecessary

Now here’s the worst part about peyronies disease surgery:

 “All this risk is unnecessary 99.99% of the time
because almost every man can straighten his shaft safely and easily,
with a medically endorsed method,

and without surgery.”

Peyronies disease surgery might have been the only alternative 25 years ago.

But, since then in 1994, a penis surgery specialist named Dr. Jorn Ege Siana developed the penis traction device.

His invention can straighten a bent or curved penis without surgery, and, without the horrifying possible surgical risks.

Your Condition Seems Worse
Than It Really Is

Peyronies disease is not as serious as it seems as when you are staring at your erection that is bending 90 degrees and possibly causing you pain.

That’s scary. I know. Personally.

At that moment, yes, it seems monumental!

99% of the time it is not.

All that is happening is this:

You developed some hardened tissue inside your shaft that is not stretching as well as the rest of your shaft when it gets erect. So, the short hard tissue pulls your erection in it’s direction.

That is ALL that is happening.

And, the really good news is: That short hard tissue can be stretched out so that your erections form nicely again. This is the case for over 99% of men with a bent penis.

Yes, I know, yours seems so bent and horrible that you are presuming you are one of the less than 1% who is hopeless.

The chances are you are not.


You are not alone. In fact about 4-5% of the male population develops this problem.

But, some of us get really big bends. And, it scares us!

Why Are There
So Many
Possible Horrible Side Effects
Peyronies Disease Surgery?

So, why does peyronies disease surgery have so many possible horrible consequences?

Simple: Any time you cut flesh you are cutting nerves.

Cut nerves do not heal up to quickly or easily. You lose sensation. That is why you may not be able to orgasm. Or, why you lose your erection during intercourse. No sensation, your penis goes limp.

Also, you have cut a lot of blood vessels. This can impede your blood flow. Poor blood flow = Limp erection.

See how how simple that is?

And, do you see why this type of surgical procedure can really mess up your ability to have decent sex?

What Is The Safer
Medically Recommended Way?

If peyronies disease surgery is dangerous and unnecessary, what can do the job Safely?

Correct penis traction.

penis traction vs surgery for peyronies disease
peyronies disease surgery or non-invasive penis traction

Correct penis is so good that it is medically endorsed and recommended in 29 countries world wide.

And, unlike a risky peyronies disease surgery that will probably cost you upwards of $14,000, correct penis traction will cost you under $300.

Yeah, what????...  Correct. Under $300.

The process is so simple, safe, and easy. It just takes some time. You can plan on a number of months.

Correct Traction Works

Correct penis traction slowly stretches the penile tissues and actually causes new cells to form.

But, unlike a surgical procedure where a large lump of tissue is added or subtracted, correct penis traction works slowly as Mother Nature always does when she is creating new life.

For example:

You don’t just have sex and then sit there tapping your foot for two hours waiting for a baby to pop out.

When you cut you hand and a scab forms you don’t stare at it for an hour expecting it to be replaced immediately by new skin.

And, when you are stretching your shaft correctly, you are actually causing new growth in your shaft.

Microscopic tears are created between some of the cells.

Now, don’t panic here. Dancers and athletes do this every day to get more extension in their movement.

The tears are painless. They do not bleed. But, some cells separate.

And that’s when the magic happens!

New cells are created to join these cells back together. A microscopic addition of new living tissue.

Do this often enough and you can visibly see the lengthening happening.

The shorter tissue will be doing this first. So it is catching up in length to the normal tissue.

Do you get it?

Can you see why this works?

You Can Even
Make Your Erection Larger

As the shorter tissue becomes longer and longer, your erection becomes straighter and straighter.

In fact, if you keep this process up after you are decently straight, you can make your entire shaft longer.  Yes, correct penis traction is actually the only proven process to create a longer penis. Permanently.

But, in the beginning, only the shorter tissue will be stretched until it catches up to the normal tissue.

So, your bent penis will be corrected before any enlargement occurs.

After that, continuing the process is your choice.

Clinically Proven:

The Safest AND Most Effective Method

Correct penis traction has been Clinically Proven

to be the Safest and Most Effective way

to straighten a bent or curved penis caused by Peyronies disease.

If you are in a rush and don’t care about the risks and have money to burn, peyronies disease surgery may be for you.

If you don’t want all the associated possible risks and/or the high cost of a peyronies disease surgery, then correct penis traction may be your choice.

Only you should decide what is right for you.

success without peyronies disease surgery 1
success without peyronies disease surgery 2

success without peyronies disease surgery 3
success without peyronies disease surgery 4
success without peyronies disease surgery 5

So, what do you think?

Even if you are thinking you are too horribly bent and peyronies disease surgery is your only answer, doesn’t it at least make sense to try correct penis traction first?

I think you’ll be really happy you did!

Be Well.....

~ William

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